Sunday, 30 September 2012



Isobel has been opinionated about what she puts on for a while now.  Some days she goes through a few outfits before she will commit to one. I've been doing my best letting her pick what she wants, but in the end she really doesn't give you much of a choice, she just takes off what she doesn't like anyway. She has five or six t-shirts on a constant rotation and is NOT happy if they are all in the wash. She likes anything that looks like it might have been Wesley's, anything with birds on it, loves camo and is now especially fond of skeleton stuff. Here's a few pics from the last month or so :)

1 comment:

  1. At least your budding fashionista is more adventurous than my two! They still insist on dresses or skirts and anything pink. I'm slowly getting rid of nearly all the pink, I'm sick to death of it! I'm also putting away all the flimsy summer dresses that they still insist on wearing when it's 9 degrees in the mornings.
    I have a zippered hoodie I'm going to send to you since I tried to get my girls to wear it and they won't touch it. (I wish it fit me!!)
