Wednesday, 4 June 2014

chickadee babies

The last few weeks the chickadees have been working hard in the back yard. They have been stuffing a bird house that Wesley put up a few years ago with moss, soft fir, feathers and grasses. The pair are very fast and efficient. I think she started laying her eggs around the 26th and has been sitting on the at least since 29th of May. We peeked a few days ago when I knew the mother wasn't in there and guess what? EGGS!!! We are crazy excited and the female has been sitting on the eggs most of her day. Her mate comes every now and then and calls to her from the trees. He sometimes brings her food and sometimes she goes to hang out with him for five or ten minutes at a time. I'll keep you posted, but so far it looks like there are four eggs. Yeah for chickadee babies!  (hatch date somewhere between the 6th and the 10th).