My Favourite visitor, we're hoping they'll make a nest in the backyard again this year! |
The last few months we've had lots of birds in the front yard, some everyday, some just stopping in for a peek. We have between 10 and 20 morning doves everyday, a little group of 5 chickadees and a white breasted nuthatch, and in the past few weeks the migrating birds have been stopping by! I've been using the birds to keep the kids busy. They could them and make Tally's, they look them up in the books, and they even try and spell them out. The
Cornell lab of ornithology has been amazing for resources, the kids love to listen to the bird calls and guess who they are and they're pretty good at it too! We joined Nest Watch and we're hoping to find a nest to observe.
A red tailed Hawk came a few times, trying to catch snack |
Dave tail :) |
Nut hatch |
Grackles and Red winged black birds arrive hungry one afternoon a few weeks ago |