Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Hydro Three

Wesley's back yard construction site is in full swing. We've got a coal mine, a brick wall and as of this week electiricity! The Hydro One guys have been around marking trees they will be trimming and cutting this summer. This has sparked some interest in electicity. We have a wind mill (a pin wheel that wesley got at a brithday last month) and a hydro wire (string) that runs through the hedge. He says "it's pretty busy to have hydro but mine is called Hydro Three because I have more power then you do". So I'm not sure if he'll be expanding anytime soon but I'll let you know if Hydro Three is comming your way :)

Wesley's apprentice working on the mine

Monday, 25 June 2012

Glamour girl

I think I might have myself a little glamour girl :) just had to share this pic of Miss Isobel trying on a friends jewellery. She loves anything shinny...

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

spot the butterfly

 We've been seeing lots of butterflies the last few days. On the weekend at Lemoine Point we were on the look out for monarch caterpillars. Wesley is determined to find one and bring it home to watch it hatch. He's great at identifying milk weed so I'm sure sooner or later we'll find one ( i have a feeling it's still a little early).

not sure what this little guy was but he was pretty tiny!

A little wood Satyr
There was a little Azure blue in the back yard for about an hour yesterday. It drank from the mud in the garden for a while, and was pretty social. It flew around the kids in circles for a while, then back to the mud. The kids thought it was pretty neat! I was excited too, I've seen the little blue butterflies around, but i've never seen them up close. They are BEAUTIFUL!

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Father's day

Father's day was rather low key here at our house. Isobel has not been feeling well and has been permanently glued to me. So Wesley and Ian hung out together for most of the day. they did regular man things like go to Canadian tire, get coffee and hash browns at McDonald's, cleaned the pool, and did some Lego building. We also managed to make a cake Wesley found begged me to make for fathers day. It was a big hit! Here's to a happy fathers day to all those wonderful fathers out there!

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

a caterpillar here a caterpillar there

    We've been finding lots of caterpillars in the yard the last few days. No luck with any swallowtail ones,but I'm sure they'll be here soon, the dill's ready for them anyway! Wesley has been carrying them around, relocating them to the stuff he thinks they should eat. He keeps putting them on the weeds, telling them to eat those, not the veggies. Isobel gets excited to see them, but won't touch them yet. I think I'm more excited them both of them put together, and we've all been loving looking them up in the books to try and find what they are.

After looking up stuff the last week or so...

It would seem that the little cocoon that Isobel has been carrying around in her flower pot will turn into...

a cut worm who will turn into...

this moth... well at least in our expert opinion :)

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Rainbow dress

I've heard from lots of friends that their girls often become very particular as to what they want to wear. It's been slowly creeping into our house for sure and Isobel has always been particular about what she does NOT want to wear. I will often have to take shirts or dress off to let her choose a new one. She has never wanted to wear socks, and often insists on wearing her black dress shoes to play in the dirt. I have to say that none of this really bothers me, i dont' insist she matches and i just tend to hide outfits that only work as dressy cloths. But the arrival of the rainbow dress has been interesting to say the least. I picked it up at Ham Me Downs Hammedowns a few weeks ago and put it in her closet. She noticed it one night while trying to keep her self awake at bedtime (part my fault for leaving the closet door open). she wanted to put it  on, so i changed her out of her pjs, put it on her and she fell asleep. Since then she has worn it at least every other day, i have to hang it in the bathroom to dry in the night, just to have it ready  for the morning or end up pulling it off the line at bedtime so she can sleep in it. Lucky for her we have laundry everyday...hope it doesn't wear out by the end of the summer. Keep thinking I'll have to reinvent it like Josephs father in Something From Nothing, Phoebe Gilman sure knew kids!

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

oh the stuff they say...

After brushing my soaking wet hair this morning Wesley looks deep into my eyes, smiles and says "Mommy your hair looks like asphalt." Yup sometimes the stuff they say kills me. Coming from a stranger this might sound like an insult, but coming from a construction obsessed 3 year old i know it's the nicest compliment I'll get all day :)

snack time...Wesleys favorite time of day

Isobels favourite word these days seems to be "SHIRP" which is sharp but also means any kind of pain or bump or fall. She walks around the house touching random things and saying "shirp...nooooo....shirp...ya." Yesterday after malling Francis for what Francis felt was too long he bit her arm. she them continued to flow him around for the rest of the night saying "bi tomby shirp"...not the effect he was hoping for :)

don't touch the flowers they're "shirp"!

We've had a pair of ducks off and on the past few month, the kids love it! Makes me think that having a duck pond would be just as entertaining as the pool!

I swear the duck was smirking at Wesley and Isobel fighting over a dirty broken shovel on the other side of the fence!