Thursday, 29 March 2012

'find big tommy'

Francis relaxing during nap time, no one around to torture him.

There are few things that Wesley likes to do more then play 'find big tommy'. He'll search the house top to bottom looking for him, running around screaming "BIG TOMMY I'M COMING TO GET YOU". As you might imagine there are few things Francis likes less then playing 'find big tommy'. It would seem that it has made Francis an expert at hide and seek. He has spots in closets, under beds, on beds, under blankets, you name it he hides in it or under it or on it. The other day I was in Isobel's room and I heard a crashing sound coming from some were upstairs. I was getting a little stressed out seeing as there was no one home but the kids and I and we were all in Isobel's room...yikes! So I quietly start walking around trying to find the noise. I walk into Wesley's room and see the sliding door slowly opening and then a little black face pops out. He got stuck in there (in a hiding spot he found) and the door was closed on him. He used his paw to open the door! Guess everyone adapts when kids are around :)

" I have to put my protect it gear on 'cuse I'm gonna hunt the giant alligator." (Francis was the alligator)

Sunday, 25 March 2012


     Isobel has moved on from her Puff the Magic Dragon obsession and is now onto a new Peter Paul and Mary song. It's one I stumbled upon on CD i got at the library and she LOVES it. She walks around saying "Ammer" and making the hand sign for more. I've been thinking lately about what it means to raise a girl right now. I was lucky enough to have a mother that helped me understand that all that media stuff (princesses, barbies etc) was pretty much garbage. That what is important really is on the inside. I guess I've been thinking about how I'm going to help Isobel navigate this "beauty at any cost" world we seem to live in. Something tells me she'll be 'hammering' it out pretty well on her own!

Sunday, 18 March 2012

hurray for spring!

Checking out the sugar bush

     We've been busy this week doing lots of fun stuff. Spring feels like it's here, we've been digging, and raking, and watching all kinds of birds stopping by the yard. The little chipmunk has made an appearance from his hole in the front yard, not sure who's more excited to see him, Isobel or Francis. We found some ants the other day, and Isobel was mesmerised! Wesley thought it was funny, and then he said " well i guess you never seen them before, don't worry we have lots!" Wesley has figured out his tricycle and is pretty excited about it. He's been dividing his time between that and a "fireplace" he started in the back yard out of bricks, mud and an old barbecue wrack. We hit the sugar bush and had lots of fun, Wesley liked the fires and Isobel like all the streams running through it, i myself enjoyed the pancakes...yum!

Isobel doing some work in the back yard
"This one is too big, we have to cut it off."

Friday, 9 March 2012

Almost spring!

Trip to Lamoine Point

    We've been keeping busy the last few weeks while Ian was away training. We swam at the YMCA, we hit the library a little more then the once a week visit, and we did some playgroups and play dates. I'm all tired out! Having the car during the week is nice for a change but our regular routine is definitely more relaxing! Wesley is looking forward to spring, and has been watching the ground out front, checking for progress on the little tiny tips of green coming out of the mud. He's says he's growing  some corn, tomatoes, watermelons and plums this year, I've been trying to tell him some things grow in warmer places, but he's not having any of it! Miss Isobel has been busy watching all the birds that have been stopping by the yard and is now calling them all "chidees" (chickadees). Her favourite are the Canada geese that keep flying over by the hundreds, honking up a storm.  Hope the robins are popping up in every ones neck of the woods, I know we sure can't wait for spring!

We had a visit from our friends Tanya and Nate, the kids had a ball and so did the mommies :)
Back from feeding the birds at Lemoine Point

Saturday, 3 March 2012

miss Fiona

After downloading some photos the other day i realised that Fiona is in the background of so many pics with the kids! She just might be the most gentle and lovable kid friendly cat EVER! Isobel has taken to trying out many wreasling moves on her lately, and she takes it all until i come and save her. She is also strongly against the "crying it out" method and will meow and me until i go see what the problem might be. Too bad she never got the chance to be a mommie herself, i have no doubt she would have been fabulous!

Letting Isobel give her a snuggle
Helping Wesley with his Duplo